Tag: adhesiolysis

Adhesions reform after surgery!

Adhesions reform after surgery!

Surgery without any effects…
and which could be very dangerous, especially in adhesions surgery cases!
The next some images show why a surgery without adequate adhesion barriers doesn’t work and therefore is absolute unnecessary, without any effect and can be dangerous.

July 31, 2010


Special treatment: Adhesions

This website contains all topics relevant to adhesions, general and specific for EndoGyn®.

Here we will show you outcomes, informations, images and videos related to our surgical procedures and treatment options.

We wish you a pleasant time while educating yourself!

April 4, 2010
Target of this website

Target of this website

What is different about this site?

What is different about this website?

In one of my consultation hours there was a patient with the typical story of a patient with an adhesions disease:

Many surgeries, anyone believes her pain, no surgeons would touch her, is about to being send to a psychiatric department, as the doctors ignore her pain…
She presented this photo to me to show how she thinks and feels, her abdomen must look like…

Please look at this images and let it affect on you…

I think, it is a wonderful abstract image of an abdomen full of adhesions, isn’t it ?

April 4, 2010